#1,302 Cleanin House.
Dadgum I love how it feels to walk into a just-cleaned house. I spent the afternoon cleaning the floors, dusting the dressers, nightstands, piano, bookcases. I scrubbed the bathrooms. I polished the kitchen floor with 2 coats of Mop N Glo. I vacuumed under the coffee table. And tonight when we got in from church and the house was chilly, and the floors felt like glass under our barefeet, and it smelled like apple pie and Mr. Clean, I was so glad I spent my afternoon like that.
It’s kind of lame how much I like a clean house.
We also met Josh and Em at Sweet Peppers while they had dinner and it turned to a talk about our faith and the problems with growing up in the Bible Belt. It’s good to talk with people our age about these things sometimes. To speak with spiritual peers, which is different from teaching youth about things they’re learning for the first time. We’re at the same truck stop on the road of our faith as Josh and Em, while our students are kind of just pulling out of the driveway. Know what I mean?
Yes, Josh orders the kid drinks to save money.
You’re right—it IS ridiculous.