#1,327 Katy & Joe.
Y’all remember a long time ago, my sweet friend and former client Katy sent me some homemade jam and a book as a little happy. We’ve stayed in touch, texting and emailing almost daily and she and her husband, Joe, decided that since they’ve never been to Mississippi it would be fun to come visit us for a weekend! For the special occasion I used Pioneer Woman’s recipe for spaghetti and meatballs and made that dish for the first time ever. They turned out SO good and it wasn’t hard at all. Y’all have to try it!
They made it into town all the way from Fort Worth, Texas around 9 pm and we all waited up so we could have a little neighborhood supper with Jim, Mallorie, Julie and Mike Axton, Jim’s buddy who is our dad’s age but fits in just fine with our crowd. We had so much fun, laughing about Mike’s catholic jokes, telling Katy and Joe about all the interesting characters in our neighborhood. As an afterthought, we took one quick picture:
Also, we forced her to play piano for us because she’s crazy talented:
Tomorrow we’ll be doing all kinds of fun stuff and Sara, a blog reader from Florida, is going to be coming into town for a quick visit to Laurel. I’m so excited to be surrounded by my pen pals for a few days!