#1,332 Lora + Logo + Leadership.
Thank goodness for you, sweet readers. I was able to start a particularly long and taxing day with a thoughtful letter and goodie in the mail from Lora in Tennessee. I don’t know what I did to deserve so many sweet happies in the mail lately, but I want you to know that your thoughtfulness is a major blessing to me. More than you know.
I’ve been feeling like the Lucky Luxe brand is getting a bit stale and I’ve been messing around with different logo ideas. I want the brand to reflect the delicacy and the tactile quality of the products we sell and I think I’ve finally settled on something I like. Hopefully, it’ll be live on the site in the next day or so but you can see a little screenshot here:
Sunday is youth sabbath so we were preparing for that all night with 30 students. And I was just feeling like 10 gallons of stressed in a 1 gallon bucket. You know what I mean?
Here’s the rub: leadership is the cup God has given Ben and me in this season of our lives. For better or worse, we’re ultimately responsible for a lot. The youth program, the young adult program for people our age, the college ministry, Lucky Luxe, neighborhood stuff, friendships, downtown stuff, right down to Chevy and Baker. There are so many areas of our life that require constant care and leadership and it seems like the load is getting heavier day by day. I know this is fleeting, just like every season of life. One day our responsibilities will change again and our priorities will hopefully keep things where they’re supposed to be. I feel very much like God is working on me right now, and I’m trying really hard to keep up with it and do what needs to be done no matter how mentally wiped I might feel.
I’m thankful. This is good for us. The strongest steel is forged in the hottest fire, right?