#1,457 Shopping Date.
So we went to Hattiesburg tonight to do some Christmas shopping. Just like we did the week we met.
But first, dinner at our favorite restaurant in the whole wide world. Can you guess?
Tabella. Like. Every week.
We’ve now eaten the best Italian in New York and Boston, but nothing compares to Tabella in South Mississippi. That’s the truth. For anyone interested, you can get all their recipes in the Tabella chef’s (Robert St. John) cookbook, An Italian Palate. I’ve asked Santy Claus for it, and I’ve got my fingers crossed.
After the best dinner, we got busy crossing folks off the gift list. We took care of every single one except one person, but we’ve still got a little time so I’m pleased as punch. In one store, this guy asked Ben how long it took to grow his beard. Before we knew it, they were exchanging names to become friends on facebook. This plaid wearing guy played football at Ole Miss while we were there, he’s a youth minister, and a preacher’s son. Ben said, “We might be related!”
Our last stop before heading home… A little ‘welcome home’ grease and sugar for Jim and Mal.
After 4 nights in the hospital, Lucy finally got to come home with a mild case of pneumonia. She’s still not feeling good at all, but the doctor said she’s well enough to be back on 4th Avenue. Yay!
We got home and fell asleep on the couch watching Surviving Christmas. In which my favorite actor apparently stars as Ben at 40. Carhartt, Chevelle, Beard. These are a few of my favorite things.