#1,870 Sign Painting + Makeover Day 3.
We just got home from the studio at 12:30 am. We were there for 15 hours straight. I breathed in a lot of plaster dust. A lot of it. I am tired. But some really awesome things happened…
Will Sellers, our local sign painter, started on the Scotsman logos on Ben’s truck. He makes chalk lines, then just draws it all by hand, looking at the logo I printed out for him. Have you ever seen such skill?! His hands are steady as a rock. It’s fascinating to watch.
He finished the passenger side door. When Ben saw, he seriously almost cried over it. It’s like all his boyhood fantasies are coming true—old truck with signs painted on the doors.
Incidentally, I did a little sign painting of my own at the shop with mama’s projector and some flat black. It feels like I’m finally a shop owner and not just running a business out of our old apartment.
While Ben made lots of progress on the new wainscoting.
With any luck, the lower 4′ of the wall will look something like this when he’s all finished. We made some MAJOR strides today. Here’s hoping tomorrow is just as productive!