#123 A little fresh air.
I know you live for our art class updates, right? Well today we ventured outdoors for our first plein air painting. There was so much going on downtown this evening, it was kind of crazy… The Little Theatre was having auditions for Smokey Joe’s Cafe next door, half the art class was on the church lawn painting the courthouse and the other half were across the street at the park. I was running back and forth checking on everyone and even had a slightly uncomfortable encounter with a homeless man who hates “that new age music — more like garbage.” He looked like Doc Brown and totally freaked Mallory out. We had to call in for reinforcements from the theatre! The weather couldn’t have been better, and I really feel like everybody made leaps in progress. Look, it’ll be just like you were there:

(Mrs. Betty’s AWESOME beginning… I hate she ran out of time to finish!)

(Mr. Dave, the lone man tonight. I’m going to have to whip all those other sorry men next week!)