#33 Feburary Supper Club.

Tonight at the Wilsons’ house we had a fantastic supper club meeting. As I mentioned previously, it’s Khiron’s birth month so we had basically nothing but junk food for supper.

The menu:
1) fried chicken strips
2) grilled chicken strips
3) twice baked potatoes
4) macaroni and cheese
5) Cap’n Crunch rice krispy treats (my favorite!)
6) Reese’s ice cream cake

But I think the best thing about tonight was the Nooma we watched about anger. Rob Bell basically believes that 99% of the things we get irrationally angry about these days are stupid – traffic, waiting on your food in a restaurant, selfish arguments in your relationships – and that we should only become angry when it’s for a righteous reason (injustice, cruelty, poverty, etc.), then do something to fix it, to make the world a better place.

(sorry folks, ignore the Spanish subtitles)

Afterward we all got tickled about everyone’s awesome recent arguments (Josh and Emily over her “speeding”, Ben and I over his inability to end a conversation, Jim and Mallorie over song lyrics). I love this community we’ve made. You should probably move downtown if you haven’t already.