#1,008 Date Night.
Since Jesse stays with us on the weekends, we had a pretty sweet date night.
We visited the mall, a place that’s become a little pitiful but holds great memories from childhood for me. I mean, that’s got to be one of the first Chick-Fil-As in America and the movie theatre has 5 screens which, let’s be real, is pretty impressive.
Then we came home to sit around and watch movies.
Namely, Cinderella Man.
If you’ve never seen it, you really ought to. It’ll make you proud to be an American. And it’ll make you want to kiss your husband. And be married to a super manly man, a la Russell Crowe. Which made me feel all ooey gooey about the fact that I was using a 6’6″ bearded Scotsman for a pillow while I wept openly when she tells him, “I’ll see you at home tonight, Jimmy” before the possibly fatal fight of his lifetime.
Such a good movie.