#1,130 Brooke.
Today I got an email from Brooke.
She started working with me in July last year when Annalee took a full-time teaching position. We live 2 doors away from each other and the Lucky Luxe shop is just 2 blocks from us both, but we rarely work at the same address since it’s a 95% internet based business. She’s in school full-time and answering emails when she’s out of class, and that’s really the nice thing about our work. It can be done from anywhere, anytime.
In this email she said some really sweet things about working at Lucky, about me as a “boss.” She knows I despise the word “boss” and what that title implies, and I always try to make sure that working together is a fun and positive thing. Emails like this make me feel like I’m doing okay by her and that makes me feel like I’m doing just exactly what God would like for me to do. Thanks, Brooke.