#1,388 T-Shirt Season.
We picked up a ton of new t-shirts today that I designed for the Loblolly Festival and for Pumpkin Patch, which are both this weekend. Assuming the weather forecast straightens out and that 70% chance of storms on Saturday changes. My fingers and toes are crossed.
And every year I join our church’s chancel choir for the Christmas contata. There is always a full orchestra. It gives me chills. And simply because I told him how much it means to me, Joey put What Sweeter Music in the program. When I was in choir my sophomore year of college in 2004, we were learning this song for our Christmas program. I met Ben that month (you can read the whole story of our 6 day courtship right here though it’s in reverse chronology), and the memory of our falling in love is so tied to this music that we had a choir sing it at our wedding. Hearing the violins at the beginning is enough to make my throat tighten and my eyes well up. It makes my heart so happy to sing this song again. Please listen to it!