#1,680 Part-Time Photographer.
A few times every year, I get to go a couple doors down to Southern Antiques and gather up all the beautiful little objects my heart desires to borrow for a couple days when I shoot photos of new invitations that get added to the collection. I love the surprises that are hidden all over Andrea’s store, antique silver hand mirrors, tiny glass bottles, necklaces with jade stones, antique marbled plates, Italian dinnerware, dried starfish, feather quills, silver forks and spoons, any curiosity I might possibly need to set the stage for any invitation my clients can dream up. Today and tomorrow are photography days at Lucky Luxe and so I have to get there just as the sun is coming up to get the best sunlight for photographing letterpress. It was an early morning, but it was SO much fun!
My tools this morning consisted of so many pretty little things:
And as the sun was just coming up over the town, I was listening to the Decemberists and imagining all the places these invitations will go. Across the ocean, around the world. I considered how very much I love my job, and how very fortunate that makes me.
We listened to James Taylor and passed Lucy back and forth between us all while we ate, giving her little bites here and there. We sat on their rocking chairs and porch sofa while the crickets and frogs sang their summer songs, and we talked about our trip to New York and the Berkshires coming up later this year, about the places we want to eat, about ideas for our church, about Israel and Palestine, about Nerd slushes from Sonic, about everything under the sun, until it was time to go home and go to bed.