#1,907 Dreamy Sunday.
It was a day right on the very verge of REAL spring, sunny, then overcast, balmy, then chilly. We took Mammaw out to the porch by the garden and visited a long time. We talked about flowers. The conversation and the feeling was the same as those long visits on her porch at home, only the setting has changed. Which is not so bad. In fact, it was really nice.
I worked on a couple of house portraits, both cottages by the sea in Maine. Ahhhhh… Dreamy.
Speaking of dreamy, so was our neighborhood today.
This fatty pup knows how to play us like a piano. He puts on his most pitiful face and paws at my knees in bargaining for a walk.
He’s an irresistible hug.
Then delicious spaghetti and meatballs for dinner on Josh and Em’s back porch (patio? portico? there must be a grander word for a house like theirs!) which also felt like a dream.
A really European dream.
With the friendliest kitchen. I wish you could see it in person!