#127 May Day.
I’ve lived in Laurel my whole life and somehow never got around to seeing May Day, which is apparently a VERY. BIG DEAL. It could be because I lived out in the country across from a cow pasture and only went to town when my mama needed groceries. Well it wasn’t quite that rural, but you know what I mean. St. John’s is a private school in town on the prettiest street in the historic district. All the kids in our church went there and when I was little I always thought there was something amazing about that school that I was missing out on, since I was a public county school kid. There is so much fanfare and hoopla surrounding the weeks before May Day. As a child I only knew I would give anything to hold one of those colorful ribbons and run in circles around that pole until I was too dizzy to go anymore, but I never really knew anything else about May Day.
Tonight Ben and I rode bikes to dinner and afterward headed to St. John’s to see what it was all about since lots of our church babies were in the program. Here’s how it goes: each class does a song and dance, and at the end I think the 6th graders who are graduating get to run around the May pole. Everyone in attendance sings I Am A Promise, a song I vaguely remember from childhood music classes, because it’s a St. John’s tradition. Here’s a little of what we saw:

(Houston, a sixth grader who’s about to be in our youth group)

(super cute t-shirts)

(Gray and Christian, also sixth graders who will be moving up to youth this summer)

(sweet Aynslee with her grandmother Mrs. Biglane who was my high school French teacher. Every time Aynslee sees Ben, she screams “HEY MITTER BEEEEEEEEN!” and I adore her for it.)