#184 Seeing stars.
Our family ministries department decided to throw a huge church-wide 4th of July cookout/party on the lawn on the night of our city’s big annual fireworks show. I can’t imagine why we’ve never had these in the past because it was a huge success — so much fun, just like something out of the movies. There was great music — WWII era swing like Boogey Woogey Bugle Boy, old Sheryl Crow, and a lot of patriotic marching band music (which is awesome), lots of games involving water balloons, a million different kinds of homemade ice cream, and free hamburgers and hot dogs all around. I got to talk with some Volkswagen enthusiasts about Lucky, took some girlfriends on a little ride with the top down, then Aunt Phyllis and Uncle Bobby showed up with sweet Isaac. After the cookout, the fireworks started and we all took our chairs around to watch the show.