#2,004 Ship Em Out + Baby Shower.
While Ben was busy with his own big projects today, one of us had to go to Lucky Luxe and wrestle with the sudden mountain of packages to be shipped out since lots of weddings finished printing at the same time and our Old Try collaboration, The Marrying Type, has been on a BIG sale this week and people have been blowing it up. So, right by myself I managed to get 9 orders out the door. That’s a lot to ship in one day, y’all.
After work, I went to a baby shower for my old friend Kandace (as in, we’ve known each other since we were born—both toddling around the church nursery together until we went to school together from kindergarten through senior year) who is traveling to China next month to bring home Penny, their soon-to-be baby girl who has Down’s syndrome. You might remember me talking about their adoption a few months back.
It looks like no one was at the shower… But there were. We were all standing near the food, stuffing our faces while watching her open gifts.
Speaking of stuffing my face, CHERRY SEASON!!!!!!