#322 Cracker Barrel Gander.

We’ve not had one of our Cracker Barrel nights since back in the summer. It was time, for sure. the Napiers, the Monsivais’, the Cutrers, the Trests, and Hopey and Jonathan met in Hattiesburg for pancakes and a lengthy discussion on lip balms (Kandace’s new business endeavour). After my pancakes, I enjoyed the world’s finest piece of cheddar. Period. And I know a thing or two about cheddar.

Afterward we decided to do a little shopping, the kind where no one buys anything. We went to Gander Mountain so the guys could have some manly browsing time.

It took no less than 10 tries to get this photo. We said “Be serious. No, SERIOUS. I can see a smile behind your serious. Drop the smile. SERIOUS, BETO!” He couldn’t do it.