In the fall we met Ken and Alison, friends of Jim and Mal who live in Hattiesburg and went to State. We immediately took a liking to them and now I can’t imagine not knowing them for so long. Thanks alot, Jim! They invited us for a little couples’ retreat at a family friend’s cabin in the woods and we’ve been excited about it all week. Alison’s dad is a genius contractor and he built this gorgeous cabin in just a few short weeks for their friends. This is how I like to “rough it”:
The ceiling is so amazing. It’s all old, painted, reclaimed wood! Reminds me of our desk.

Loving this kitchen. Especially the shelves with contrasting color on the wall.
Ceiling. Again.

Girl group! Alison is very pregnant but you can’t tell. She’s wearing it SO well.

There was some sailing.

You know that game where you press as hard as you can into the doorway for 30 seconds then step away and your arms lift on their own? We each did it. And it scared us all everytime.

With Old Crow Medicine Show playing on the stereo, we had a 2 hour long Apples to Apples tournament. This guy won.

This is how you heat a house, folks. Just ask Ken who spent about 6 hours tending the fire to make sure we were warm (even though there was central heat and air, but that’s okay. We’re rustic sort of people).
Of course they have cool artwork in this house. Of course!