#703 Pancakes & Parade & Jackson & Antiques.
Ben and little Mama
A real pretty tree beside the bank. Aren’t I just Ansel Adams? (I’m talking to you, Josh and Em!)
We’re almost there!
Pancake day!
And then… We heard police sirens… And go kart engines… And snare drums… Parade time!
The marching bands are my favorite. Hands down. But aren’t they everyone’s?
Good ole cousin Jimbo is on the city tree board so he had to ride in the parade for some bizarre reason?
Aunt Trisha’s precious PRECIOUS PRECIOUS granddaughter Elizabeth joined us for the first time this year and I fell in love. We held hands and walked a lot. And petted puppies. And I carried her on my hip because she *sweetly and quietly* asked me to and I had just met her. So adorable, y’all.
The FUMC children’s department:
One of our yutes, Mr. Holifield:
A Chevy break after the parade before we headed to Jackson for some shopping (me and Mal) and the Laurel High School football state championship (Jim, Ben and Larkin).
Dinner at Babalu after a looooooong day:
Mal and I got some steals at the antique flea markets today, and I am DYING to show you, but I was dumb and forgot to take photos. So. You’ll see them later.
Goodnight, sweet readers!