3 Sneak Peeks of Erin and Ben's New Country House

Season six of Home Town is well underway with the reveal of four beautiful houses so far, but there's one reveal we're particularly excited to see— Ben and Erin's New Country House!

Erin shared that their dream is to raise Helen and Mae in the wide-open spaces of the country, the way she grew up. The Napiers are looking forward to having a place to grow, explore and create new memories. Thankfully, Erin lets us see small previews of the renovation process to hold us over until the big reveal (which has yet to be determined!)





Catch up on the most recent episodes of Home Town by binge-reading the latest behind-the-scenes stories about the Ostermillers, the Thorntons, the Rappeleye-Ruiz House, or Jemarcus Ross's first House