#1,113 Lord of the Rings.
After a minor youth trip crisis that was resolved via phone, Ben finally drug himself to the living room where he has barely moved since. What can you do with a sick husband? Turn on movies.
The youth have been talking up The Lord of the Rings since The Hobbit came out and Ben’s avoided watching them forever. He’s possibly the only person on earth who didn’t see the trilogy in theaters. He’s never been interested since it’s of the fantasy persuasion, but after watching 10 minutes of it in the youth room last week, and catching on to the classic good vs. evil story, he’s been intrigued. So I put it on today while he’s been in a laid-up fog, and he’s hooked. I watched some, but had a hard time staying awake even though I really loved these movies in high school.
During intermission between The Two Towers and The Return of the King, he took a shower and then it was back to the couch. His temperature is down for now. I’d love it if it didn’t come back. Y’all say a little prayer!