#1,393 Cruisin’ the Coast 2013.
What a day. Jim’s 31st birthday! We made a flying trip down to the coast this afternoon to see the first cruise-in of Cruisin’ the Coast, a week long car show that brings millions of classic cars to the Mississippi coast. Ben goes every year, ALWAYS and I’ve gotten to tag along a few times since we’ve been together. I dare say I love it more than most girls would. Cars are, as he says, the perfect meeting of function and art. And Cruisin’ the Coast is like a spectator sport for those who appreciate cars—with everyone there to pull for their team. Ben is a Chevy man, Jim is Jeep and Cadillac, I’m Volkswagen. We all win. That’s the great thing about this one week in October.
Today I left my Beetle in the garage because the weather was so incredible we didn’t need AC and the Pontiac is much more comfortable for riding around in. It feels like you’re gliding in a giant steel cloud. Jim and Mal followed behind in their Wagoneer since Aunt Gay offered to take care of baby girl for the evening.
We stopped for turkey sandwiches and Nutty Buddies at a rest stop along the way.
And we got to the coast. And made a quick stop.
Then we finally got to Highway 90 and tailgated as the opening ceremony parade came rumbling down the beach at sunset.
Jim’s was by far the best looking Jeep we saw.
Mallorie and I both fell hard for this emerald green Pontiac. I think it was maybe a Starchief?
A lovely, lovely day. I’ll dream of candy paint jobs and peanut butter interiors.