#1,489 False Spring 2014.
We get one every January and today’s weather was more than nice—it was renewing and lovely and breezy and about 70 degrees. Perfect in every way. For my northerner friends, I hope you can feel the sunshine from these photos. I stayed the night with my parents since Ben was out of town, and went straight to Mammaw’s to make biscuits when I woke up.
She was waiting for me on the back porch.
It’s been a couple years since she could remember how to make her famous biscuits, but I remember. I got out her old biscuit making bowl she’s been using since way before I existed.
And we had hot, buttery biscuits with homemade mayhaw jelly.
After we ate I went home to clean house with the doors open. No need for heat or AC today.
Chevy, Baker and I went for a long walk.
I just wish you could’ve been here for it.