#1,755 Breakfast Club.

Oh man y’all. I’m so sleepy. Wore out. In fact, I’m writing from bed tonight:

After a long day at the studio, I rushed home (late) to make biscuits and sausage for supper club at our house tonight. I thought originally it was going to be our same ole same ole group, but at the last minute several new folks decided to come and I’m so glad they did. We had a great group!
As always, a few lingered later into the night and that’s always my favorite thing about supper club. The getting to really know people, to laugh with them and tell stories outside of church. 
It’s always an especially intense kind of tired you feel after hosting a party–no matter how big or small. I think I’ll just rest my eyes for a few hours now…
Y’all overwhelmed me with your encouraging, generous words on yesterday’s post. I’m just so thankful you’re here. I only wish we could hang out in person some day. If you live close, won’t you come see me? 
Happy birthday, Jim!