#1,790 The Best of Times, The Worst of Times.
Today included a family emergency requiring surgery for someone we love dearly + Josh and Emily found out they will have a baby boy TOMORROW (!!!) +
Mal found out her house is going to be in a magazine next year all decked out for Christmas + a beloved elderly friend in the neighborhood was hospitalized after a severe seizure + Ben and I had a phone conference call about something really major that’s happening for Lucky Luxe (not TV related—we won’t know about that for several months) and have formed a partnership that’s so exciting I’m not sure what we did to deserve it. More to come on that in a few months.
Today was very difficult and we cried and it was wonderful and we laughed. I would love for you to pray for our family member tonight. He’s facing a big surgery tomorrow. There’s so much to say, but I can’t talk about any of it. And I’m emotionally spent. So I believe I will go to sleep now.
As scary and brilliant as today was, I know that tomorrow will be about new beginnings for some of the people we love most. And that’s so exciting isn’t it?