#1,837 Napier Christmas + The E-Myth.
Tonight we had Christmas with Ben’s parents and brothers and nephews and nieces (well, actually, we were missing Allison, Preston and Harper no thanks to a mean old fever).
The coolest thing ever is that Ben’s mama, an amazing seamstress, made Merida’s dress from Brave, Ellie’s animated hero. Now she really does look JUST like her.
This is what happens when you give a man a loofah.
But most of the day, I spent reading this book with the hideous cover and the fascinating content. I’ve always struggled with handling growth with Lucky Luxe, and this (the entrepreneurial myth)—answers so many of my questions about what to do next… I don’t know how we’re going to scale the next mountain ahead of us with 3 larger than life collaborations on our horizon in 2015, but I’ve got some ideas that I can’t wait to begin building upon and executing to make our little cottage industry run as systematically as a major corporation.
Well, as systematically as an art-brained person can manage. We’ll see what happens.