#1,919 Good Morning.
We’re in our warm weather routine 100% now, with porch breakfasts and The Drifters on Pandora. It feels good to be back.
This is a fat, happy dog.
And this is a husband who knows how to service his wife’s old car so she can scoot around town.
And this is 80 degrees with the top down and the Chi-Lites.
In other news, I’ve been thinking how I’d like to try eye makeup. I’ve always just put on a little bit of mascara, but now I’m beginning to feel like I’d like to wear a little more. Today I tried eyeliner for the first time. Can you see it?
Also, what are your favorite under eye concealers and eye creams? I think it’s smart to start taking care of that delicate skin around my eyes and I’d love your recommendations!
Sorry for this overly girly post today, Jake! Back to our normal programming tomorrow!