#2,040 Designer Rolodex.
Since we started making invitations way back in 2009, Nole of Oh So Beautiful Paper has been one of our very biggest supporters and promoters. When she introduced the Designer Rolodex, we were one of the first shops to join and I’m so thankful for the continued support she’s shown us over the years. I can say with 100% certainty she’s one of those people in our story who made it possible to do this as a full-time career. Today she did her weekly installment of ‘Meet the Rolodex’ on her instagram and it was our turn, with 4 posts all about our work and our shop, and we made so many new friends because of it. What an enormous blessing it is to have friends who lift us up and make our dreams possible.
Goodness. Thank you, Nole!
And thank you for your sweet feedback on yesterday’s post! There’s a reason we’re all here right now—and I think it’s got a lot to do with the way home smells and feels and the people we love who are there. Am I right?