#2,186 Old People Date Night.
After a really good, busy day at the shop, we got a text from Jim that said, “Dinner’s ready!”
So we wandered over to their house and had our first-ever super healthy Blue Apron meal: steak, garlic potatoes and cabbage. It was delicious. But the portions were microscopic. Jim told some good stories.
And we were still hungry.
And did you know that Sonic has snack pack mozarella sticks now?! THAT DOES NOT SEEM LIKE A COINCIDENCE TO ME. After that, we rode around for a long time in the old Wagoneer looking at Christmas lights all over town. My favorite just might be 32nd Street this year. It’s some high level neighborhood yard tree organization happening over there. Have you seen it, Laurelites?
Then we had to sit around the fire on the patio, didn’t we? It’s only gonna be coldish like this for one night before 2016 according to the Weather Channel, so we took advantage of it.
And so, it was our first annual totally lame old folks date night, comparable to last year’s. And I love it.