#2,187 Christmas Cheer.
Real talk, y’all. I guess I’ve made mention of Christmas here on the blog a lot lately, but the truth of the matter is, we’ve basically skipped it so far this year. We’ve been working long, late hours and it’s been so dang hot and humid it hasn’t felt anything at all like Christmas. We’ve not been listening to Christmas music and we’ve not been watching Christmas movies.
But today is Friday. And today it was cold outside. And we got off work at a decent hour with nothing planned to do. Everyone in town was at the Charlie Brown Jazz Christmas concert at the Arabian, but we wanted to be at home for once. We decided it was time to start celebrating. We started with a trip to the grocery store so we could make breakfast for supper. It’s been a while since I cooked. A really long while.
Home! We changed into our pajamas and hit play on the Home Alone soundtrack. BECAUSE CHRISTMAS, HELLO.
I got out my skillet bread towel to check Mammaw’s recipe and got busy rolling out the biscuits…
While Ben was in charge of the eggs and grits. Yes, all Scottish lumberjacks must have plaid pajamas.
The best supper on a cold night. Dinner is served!
After we cleaned our plates, we went back to the kitchen and got busy making homemade chocolate chip, snickerdoodle and my first-ever attempt at spritz cookies
I soon found it impossible to remove cutesy shaped cookies from wax paper, gave up, rolled them into balls and made it work. They were ugly, but they were delicious.
I need you to know that his phone case broke (Lifeproof? yeah, okay) and he found Mallorie’s old Rifle Paper Co. case in the console of their car, asked if she wanted it, and snapped it onto his janky, old decrepit phone. I said, “you know that’s a real girly case.” He said, “I don’t care. I need a case.”
We got the cookies boxed and tied with string…
Then we hopped in the car and delivered them to a few of our nearest and dearest.
And now, as I sit at my computer writing to you, dear reader, I’m listening to this song and I feel like Christmas is here and it’s real, and no matter that it will be 80 degrees and storming on Christmas day, we had this one night when we felt really thankful to have each other, and friends and family to love, a house to keep us safe, jobs that keep the lights on, and a God who loved us enough to send his child to save us all. It’s a good day for Christmas.