#2,338 Day 2.
The day you get to tear down walls and talk about the design decisions is possibly the easiest and most fun day in the process of making a TV show. Lucky for me, the medicine they give me for my back is working and I got through the whole day without limping or whimpering! Woo!
It was dark and rainy around here but that didn’t stop our progress.
We finished filming early today so we had time to go to the shop and do a little catch up work at LL and Scotsman… Then we finally got to meet Guy, the very talented post production editor of Home Town who is in town from Canada for the week because after watching 100+ hours of footage of us from the pilot last year, he knows us and our friends and our town VERY well, yet we’ve never even seen him before today. Isn’t that kind of crazy?
And I’m feeling incredibly thankful again because it feels like every single person who is part of this project was hand-picked with our hearts and personalities in mind so that it’s the best experience possible. God is so good, friends.