#2,367 Summer Parties + Stress Relief.
Once summer hits, it seems there’s a pot luck or BBQ to attend every other night. There are always my favorite people involved, and string lights, and good music, and if I’m lucky… Hot dogs and/or chips and dips. Tonight there was all of that. And I was so busy talking I only took one picture.
And the reason we could enjoy this party so much is because we’ve been through 2 really intensely stressful days with projects for the show that ALMOST fell through for one reason or another… But after hours of sweat equity and calling in some favors to very gracious friends, it all worked out. Not just worked out, but turned out to be better than we had planned. I wish I could tell you all about it, but for now, I’m going to get some rest. We have just a few days left to finish the first 3 episodes of season 1! Our first reveal week begins Monday and we will bring 3 families to their forever homes for the first time! Ahhhh!