#2,406 Be Thou My Vision + Before the Rain.
This morning in church we sang the words of Take Time Time to Be Holy to the tune of Be Thou My Vision and it was enough to make me feel warm all over at the memory of our wedding day, when we sang it all together with our dearest family and friends, the words were an anthem for the focus of our life together as a new family. I pulled out the hymnal to read all the words that gave me the most peaceful and comforting feeling.
Be thou my vision, oh Lord of my soul. Naught be all else to me save that thou art. Thou my best thought by day or by night, waking or sleeping, thy presence my light.
The only other hymn that can make me feel this way is Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing. Do you have hymns that are your personal anthems?
This afternoon, just before it rained for a few minutes and cooled down the scorched earth, that smell intoxicated me. You know the smell.
I would love to make a candle that smells exactly like that.