#2,884 Teamwork.
Home Town season 2 would be impossible without these folks right here:
Georgia and Sarah spent their morning down on the floor prepping a project for me to do on camera since bending down is getting harder and harder with my growing belly. They never complain, they only laugh and tell stories that make me laugh with them.
Tim, our beloved camera man gives everyone a big hug first thing every morning and last thing when we wrap, always asking how I’m feeling. Patrick, our director, makes up crazy characters and voices that make me laugh when I’m so tired I want to cry. Joel, our second camera, always shares his sour cream and cheddar chips with me and always finishes my bag when I just want one chip. Or two. Zach, our sound guy makes me feel good about myself when I’m self conscious in my huge maternity pants, telling me loving stories about his family and how sweet it is being a daddy to two girls of his own. Will, the production assistant, always keeps a cold Coke Zero ready for me at the top of the cooler, just in case, and always has a bag chair handy when my feet get tired. Alton says “Good morning sunshine!” and high fives me when we get to work each day. Angie, our showrunner, is breaking her neck at the production office when she’s not on set, always going way above and beyond to make Ben and I feel supported in every scene, protecting us from being overwhelmed however she can.
They’ve taken such great care of me in this season when so much is new and my heart is full to bursting for them. I can’t believe there’s just one month of filming left.