Erin's Garden Tomato Candle Inspired by Her Daddy

This summer, Erin is introducing the Garden Tomato Candle scent in the new Garden Candle collection. While the smell is delectable, the memory behind it makes its aroma even more special. If you're new around here, each scent is based on one of Erin's "scent memories." (Yes, scent memories are a thing!) Memories of her dad and his garden played a big part in this particular fragrance.

 For a southerner, there is no better summer supper than this: homemade bread sliced thin, generously slathered in mayonnaise, lined with crisp, smoky bacon and bright red tomato slices. This Garden Tomato fragrance captures step one: plucking a warm, ripe tomato from the vine in the summer sun with fresh-cut grass beneath bare feet.

Erin says, "My dad is a great, great tomato man. He grows the biggest celebrity tomatoes, you know, the big boy tomatoes. He had some Monticello tomatoes, and he even got seeds from Thomas Jefferson's homestead that he planted so we had some a Thomas Jefferson's heirloom tomatoes."



She continues "His tomatoes are Ben's favorite summer supper when we to go to their house. There's something about grabbing a tomato off the vine, cutting it, putting it on fresh bread with mayonnaise and that is the best supper— but the smell is what I love!


"It's the smell on the vine when the grass has just been cut, and the clippings are stuck to your feet when you go out, because you always go barefoot to the garden. There is a freshness and a crispness and grassy-ness that I love so much."

View the Garden Tomato Collection