#1,717 Pizza + FNL.
Well first of all, while we were having breakfast this morning, the mail lady walked onto the porch with something special that wasn’t the power bill. Ben sent me an early birthday card that made me feel like the most special girl in the world:
And when I got to work a little bit later, there was another card there—this time a silly Halloween one, since he knows how excited I am for fall already. This is a man to love.
Since it’s Friday, I got my weekly Walker walking fix. I swear he’s grown twice as much hair since Saturday. Hasn’t he?!
And after a long, tough, sickly week… I proposed to the team that we order in Papa John’s and have a movie night.
Jim and Mal have been trying to get us to watch the Friday Night Lights series Texas forever, and tonight we watched the first two episodes…
As it turns out… The show really is better than the movie (which I did not like at all), and I am now, in fact, possibly addicted. Refinery 29 wasn’t kidding. It really is good. Have you watched it?
At this writing (12:45 am on Saturday), it’s now the first day of my last year of my twenties. I’m sad freaked out about it. But it’s kind of exciting, too. If I’ve been finding the footing of my adult life in my twenties, if that’s the axe sharpening season, maybe my thirties won’t be so bad. Let’s finish strong, 20s.