#2,635 Portrait Day + Mal’s 31st.
I spent 30 minutes doing my hair this morning which can mean only one thing: tintype portrait day! We needed new portraits of all the Mercantile owners and today was the day. It’s always a treat to spend time with our friend Michael and watch with fascination the entire tintype photo process. A single metal photograph takes 30 minutes from start to finish and I don’t know what it is about them, but there’s a magic that sticks to the metal and makes every portrait have an ethereal, heirloom quality you can’t find with any other method.
I can’t wait to share them with you… When our brand new website launches in a week! Ahhhhhh!
Also, tonight my best friend wanted steamed snow crab legs from Red Lobster for her 31st birthday, SO BY GEORGE WE ATE SNOW CRAB LEGS. Like, tons of them. I couldn’t even take a photo of it because my hands were buttery and crabby. But she was very pleased with the whole thing.
One of the most meaningful bits of Home Town press to date came from Popsugar today. Click here to read all about it!