#479 Some Bunny Loves Me.
Easter morning at FUMC was amazing. The music was ground-shaking beautiful, the crowd was shoulder-to-shoulder, and you could feel a very tangible Holy presence. I know that sounds super cheesy, but there’s no other way to say it.
We have been belting out ‘up from the grave He arose (Ben hits the ‘he arose’ bass line) with a mighty triumph o’er His foes’ for days now so we were LOVIN it this morning.

Somehow Daddy eluded the camera all morning.
Then after an evening with Ben’s family, we rolled in at 9 tonight to find this sweet surprise waiting on the stairs:

Ben swore he didn’t do it. Swore on our marriage. For a minute I considered it could’ve been Mickey’s handwriting but I knew he didn’t have a key to our house… Then I called home.
While I can’t explain the ransom note-style handwriting she managed with her left hand, I love my little Mama so much. She never forgets that I’m still the baby.